Case Study – Thrive in Five Wellbeing at Work Challenge

Bodyshot Performance image on what makes us different - biohacking,networking, personal experience and exercise and nutrition


At Bodyshot we use a unique blend of science, technology and nature to help improve the health and wellbeing of individuals. With most of us in the team having worked in the corporate environment before, we understand the difficult challenge’s businesses are faced with.

One of our main goals is to highlight the importance of wellbeing in the workplace as we believe it’s a proven competitive advantage for businesses. It can have a huge impact on resilience levels and drive more energy through your business.

For us to increase the awareness of wellbeing at work, we invited three businesses to take part in our Thrive in Five Wellbeing for Work Challenge: 15 Below, Herbert Smith Freehills and Workspace Group.

The Challenge

The challenge took place over 4 weeks and each week the businesses were sent tips focusing on one of the different wellbeing signals: sleep, mental health, energy and fitness – which the participants would implement into their daily routines. The tips were designed to think about optimising your mind, body and wellbeing in five minutes or less.

Each individual participating completed a health questionnaire before and after the challenge, this way we could measure the results and see the improvements from start to finish.

And at the end of the challenge, one business would win a Wellbeing at Work Audit and Wellbeing Workshop Series – services worth £3k!

 The Results

Sleep – It’s an extremely important factor to our health and we saw participants gain a better understanding of the importance of sleep and how to manage it. With 13% increase in sleep and 166% increase in how well rested individuals felt after having more sleep. All participant ended the challenge with a much better understanding of the importance of sleep on their wellbeing and tools to help them manage it.

“By Thursday I am usually a lot more tired in the mornings and I did feel more energised. My sleep quality did improve by putting my phone away and reading for 30 minutes before bed”

Mental Health – This is an area that is frequently discussed in the news and a high number of people in the corporate world are dealing with anxiety, stress or burnout. So, it was a real achievement to report 44% of participants have started to use mediation/mindfulness techniques to support their mental health, with one business dropping stress levels by 8%. Giving people information and tools to manage their mental health day to day vastly improved people feeling equipped to do so. We saw an average uplift of 48%, with one business seeing an 87% uplift in only 4 weeks.

“I have been thinking about the people I surround myself with, and what impact they have been having on my mental health. My confidence levels have really taken a knock over the past few years, and I have bad anxiety in some social situations. This week has made me look in to that further, and I realised I only get anxious when its social situations with that group of people. That’s not how it should be.”


“I love the Headspace App, and decided to try the Box Breathing. I found it much better than the techniques I’ve tried before.”

 Energy – Overall there was an average of 97% improvement in fluctuating energy levels and an impressive 42% decrease in people using artificial energy boosters (caffeine, energy or sugary drinks), with 200% stopping them altogether! This challenge had such a huge impact on increasing and maintaining the participants energy levels. Not only in this challenge but something we encounter a lot is people still feeling tired more than 20 minutes after waking. By implementing our tips we saw a 76% decrease in feeling tired overall, one business saw an 80% increase in people feeling rested and ready for the day.

“ I am trying to have lighter meals earlier in the evening rather than getting home and cooking ‘dinners’ and have found this helps with my energy levels and also gives me more time to relax for a couple of hours before bed.”

Fitness – Bringing exercise and regular breaks into daily routines was going to be a tough challenge for most businesses, but with the simple, yet effective weekly tips provided by us, 67% increased their daily steps across all three businesses and 80% of participants became more aware of taking breaks and moving around – with an 80% improvement.

“Active transport has worked well for me. On the mornings where I know I’m close to the office in good time I’ve taken to getting off the tube one stop earlier and doing the walk to the office – it’s quite a long stop though (20+ mins walk)”

The results speak for themselves and are extremely impressive – with huge improvements across all the four signals and the three participating businesses. This was as a result of implementing and maintain simple tips, the improvement and benefits from a wellbeing at work programme could significantly improve the health, wellness and productivity of your teams.

“Overall, the challenge has been educational, relatively easy to adopt and has resulted in higher productivity and people moving move and generally feeling better for it – thanks Bodyshot Performance!”

If you want to be known as the best in the industry for looking after your employees and truly pioneering the practice of wellbeing at work, get in touch and see how Bodyshot for Business can help you.

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