This week’s Thrive in Five is about reducing resistance
This week I want to talk about resistance, the concept of reducing resistance in life to improve your wellbeing. When I was working in the city, I encountered a lot of resistance. And by that, I mean, the very thought of getting up on a Monday morning to go to work, felt like I was holding back this incredible force. I really felt a lot of resistance about going in to do my job. I felt a lot of resistance about all the meetings I would go to, about opening up my email.
Work isn’t the only place I would experience resistance. I’ve experienced this in other areas of life or have done in the past. Resistance about going to an event I’ve committed to, or resistance about having to fulfil obligations that I may not be comfortable with. What I’ve come to realise, I suppose, in part with age, but also being a bit more self aware and thinking about these things is that we can actually minimise a lot of that resistance in our lives.
By reducing resistance in our lives where we can, it can really impact and benefit your overall wellbeing.
Now, maybe you feel it at the moment. Maybe you feel that resistance, that tension around a certain area in your life.
First step, is to be conscious of that tension and that resistance. The second is to take a look at that resistance in very stark terms.
Do you want to be doing that activity or is it something that you have to do, and you can’t get out of?
Is it something that you can actually leave? Or is something that you can change, so you don’t go to it anymore or can do less of it?
Perhaps it’s an overpacked schedule, for example, thin that schedule out.
Perhaps is it circumstances around a loved one or something where you actually have to counter that resistance and go with it? Reframing how you feel about the things you cannot change can reduce resistance.
Is it something to do with work? Do you feel an intense resistance about what you do for a living? As I did.
Be self aware about these things, look at them in sort of cold light of day. Do you have to counter that resistance daily or weekly basis?
Start thinking about what life could look like if you reduce resistance out of it. So a little bit deep perhaps, but give that some thought if that’s resonated with you and of course share it with anyone you think would benefit from it. As always give it a go and let me know how you get on. Stay Healthy.
At Bodyshot Performance we work with businesses and individuals to manage all aspects of their wellbeing following our Six Signals methodology. Focusing on sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion and fitness. Please get in touch if we can help with any aspects of your wellbeing, or your organisations wellbeing.
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