This Week’s Thrive In Five Is About Taking Baby Steps For Better Energy
It’s the third part of our baby steps series to help you get where you need to be. For week one, we talked about taking baby steps for better sleep, week two, better mental health. This time, I want to share an idea to help you get more energy – whatever that looks like for you.
What does Better energy look like for you?
What I mean by this is it’s a highly personal exercise, better energy will mean different things for different people. Now I say exercise, it’s not a physical exercise this week, but in fact, this is a cognitive exercise, and it’s all about drains and radiators.
So, allow me to explain. Looking at energy, we could go down a number of routes. For example, hydration, nutrition, movement, people, places, and things. And it’s the people, places, and things that I want to explore here.
In life, there will be people, places, and things or tasks that energise you: they radiate heat throughout the body. I call these radiators. Likewise, there will be people, places, and things or tasks that drain your energy. These I call drains. And there you have it: energy drains and energy radiators. Now, before you begin cutting things out or bringing more in, I simply want you to look at what these are for you.
What are your drains and radiators?
Your task this week is to make a note – you could write it down, or just think about it on the commute home. What energises you, or radiates heat through your body, and what doesn’t? Or what adds to the tank, and what takes out? The purpose of this exercise is to get you thinking. From here, you’ll be able to take action based on what you find.
So, a really simple way to get you thinking, and motivated to make changes for better energy. We’ll be back next week for the final video in the Baby Steps series – don’t miss it!
Wellbeing Resources
Our Wellbeing At Work Workshops help employees take ownership of their health. We use a blend of science and technology to empower participants to own their health via actionable insights that can be implemented straight away. Our interactive programmes cover Sleep, Mental Health, Energy, Resilience & Immunity, and bespoke workshops are available on request.
If you’re interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test to find out, and get a free personalised 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.
Have you checked out Leanne’s new podcast yet? Helping you beat burnout and have more fun.