November 2017

Why the one-size-fits-all approach to dieting won’t help you lose weight

Ask 20 people to eat the same diet for 10 weeks and you’ll get 20 different results, despite everyone being under the same controlled conditions. This shouldn’t really be surprising. If we put 20 people in an environment where they are all taught to play a musical instrument, we wouldn’t […]

Why the one-size-fits-all approach to dieting won’t help you lose weight Read More »


How to get more energy by focusing on your purpose

We all need energy, whether it’s to motivate us to get out of bed, to go about our daily tasks, play with our kids or pursue our careers. Energy is “the force that through the green fuse drives the flower”, as Dylan Thomas wrote. I get my energy from many

How to get more energy by focusing on your purpose Read More »


Why we are mentally malnourished and what to do about it

The subject of this blog is mental health, and specifically mental nourishment. To nourish: “to provide with food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition”, and our minds and brains need nourishment as much as the vital organs, cells, tissues and muscles do. Despite this, I think

Why we are mentally malnourished and what to do about it Read More »


What to do when you can’t get to sleep, and how to beat sleep disorders

Sleep problems are pervasive in today’s society and can cause a lot of problems with other areas of health such as mental health, energy, body composition, digestion and fitness (what we call the Six Signals®). Sleep disorders come in many forms, although we tend to think of insomnia when we

What to do when you can’t get to sleep, and how to beat sleep disorders Read More »


Why high intensity exercise is important for health

We’ve often told that high intensity exercise is an important part of our weekly training regime, but have you ever wondered why? In this blog post I’ll break down the benefits of high intensity training, give you some ideas on how to incorporate it into your workout and issue a

Why high intensity exercise is important for health Read More »

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