August 2016


Are you fit for the stresses and challenges of the corporate workplace?

  Take another look at the title. Think about it for a few minutes, and consider whether you could honestly answer ‘yes’. In my experience, there are too many people in business who are not physically fit, and I think this is hindering our chances of having successful careers. Sadly, there […]

Are you fit for the stresses and challenges of the corporate workplace? Read More »


5 reasons why you might be struggling to change your body composition

Changing your body composition, (or losing fat), can be a very frustrating and challenging endeavour. This week I’m sharing my thoughts on why many people fail, and how you can learn from their mistakes. Our obesogenic environment We all have easy access to buses, cars and trains that take us

5 reasons why you might be struggling to change your body composition Read More »


Muscle weighs more than fat? This and five other exercise myths debunked…

“Muscle weighs more than fat though doesn’t it” This is a statement I hear a lot, and before I started my professional fitness career, I believed it to be true as well. It’s one of the common exercise myths that still persists today, but in this blog post I’ll tell you

Muscle weighs more than fat? This and five other exercise myths debunked… Read More »


The surprising effects of stress, alcohol and sugar on your body (according to the OURAring)

Last week, I spent three days in a boot camp somewhere in leafy Surrey. It wasn’t a fitness boot camp, but a boot camp to become better at public speaking. Most of the time was spent sitting down, writing or standing up to speak. In a nutshell, there was very

The surprising effects of stress, alcohol and sugar on your body (according to the OURAring) Read More »

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